New 3D scanners that do not require taking out liquids and laptops, being tested at Geneva Airport

By far one of the most painful processes of flying is having to go through security. From having to take off belts and shoes, and removing laptops, large electronics and liquids, it is something most people do not look forward to even when you’re the geekiest of travelers.

It looks like there is some hope though as Geneva Airport in Switzerland recently installed two 3D scanners which do not require passengers to take out their large electronics (including laptops) and liquid pouches during bag scans.

The scanners which are twice as long as regular 2D machines, can also scan twice as fast, which means much shorter lines in the next coming months. The scanning software will assign colors to objects based on density, and will also measure size and weight. Gate agents will easily be able to manipulate the 3D models on their systems, allowing them to virtually tour a bag without having to open in.

The change comes as the airport anticipates to see a raise in passenger traffic by 45% by 2030.

“We are the only airport in the world to have them. Hong Kong has bought some but hasn’t installed them yet,” Ruben Jimenez, head of the airport security division, told Le Matin Dimanche newspaper.

Here’s to hoping that scanners like these can be added to U.S. airports as well.

[Featured Photo: AMISOM Public Information/Flickr]

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