I’m no journalist or industry expert, but I love aviation and travel. While my dreams of becoming a commercial pilot will not come to be because of prevailing issues with my ears, I still try to stay close to the industry. Whether it be through spotting, keeping up with the headlines and chatting with other AVGeeks and travelers, I always try to keep up to date on what’s going on in the world of airplanes and general travel.
I started this blog back in June 2018, and if you’re a long time follower, you would have realized how sporadic posts have been. The reality is like many other people, I have to shuffle this hobby with my day job, and when my job gets busy, my hobbies suffer as a result.
However, during the times that my posts have received noticeable traction, I’ve received quite a bit of generally good feedback in terms of content and reach.
So what’s next?
I’ve decided that if I am doing this, I’m going to do it properly. From here on, I am focusing on pushing out at least 3 stories a day (a mix of news and information-based articles), and will ramp up those numbers over time as I shift my priorities towards this publication. If you want to follow along, all the site’s content is pushed to social media and email newsletter. Unfortunately Instagram is just not on the table at the moment as I have found it quite difficult to convert followers into site readers, given the nature of the platform. Maybe I might revisit it at a later date, but in the mean time, these are the channels you can catch us on.
In terms of actual reviews, ironically for a travel site, these may not come until some time into mid or even late 2020 when the finances are more settled. For now I am putting priority on news and information-based content before delving into hotel and airline reviews once again.
Small tweaks
Updated website design – With the relaunch comes a newly designed theme carved out from scratch. While I am mostly done with it, it’s still a work in progress, and some changes will be rolled out incrementally in the coming weeks. If you have any feedback about the theme, please feel free to comment below.
New CDN – With the aim of establishing a global presence, tradition website architecture simply cannot work. Having a super fast server in the middle of the United States still means longer loading times for the folks in Australia, India, or Japan. Previously I would have used CloudFront to cache static files, but loading the website’s content itself still fell on my humble server in the middle of Iowa.
We’ve switched to full-site caching via Fastly, which means copies of the entire website are stored locally on and served from their edge servers, resulting in much faster loading times.
I don’t expect much at the time, but if you do have a comment, please feel free to leave it below, or you can always send us an email to email hidden; JavaScript is required.
[Featured Photo: Bradley Wint/Gate Checked]